Determine true growth potential with TAM, SAM and SOM: Partner with ILIKOS Consulting Group

Understanding and leveraging your market potential is paramount in today’s competitive business landscape. Comprehensive market analysis through Total Addressable Market (TAM), Serviceable Available Market (SAM), and Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM) reports is a precious tool for contract research organisations (CROs). 

Discover the essential nature of these analyses and unlock the strategic advantage you need by partnering with ILIKOS Consulting Group.

Understanding TAM, SAM, and SOM Reports:

  1. Total Addressable Market (TAM) TAM represents the total demand for a product or service in a given market. It answers the question: “If everyone who could buy your product or service did, how large would your market be?” This figure provides an upper limit on market potential.
  2. Serviceable Available Market (SAM) SAM is the portion of the TAM that your company’s products or services can serve. It’s a subset of TAM that accounts for the market segments your business can target based on your capabilities and market reach.
  3. Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM) SOM is the portion of the SAM that you can realistically capture. It considers factors like competition, market trends, and your company’s ability to reach and penetrate its ideal client profiles.. SOM provides a more grounded estimate of market potential, indicating the market share you can achieve in the short to medium term.

Why TAM, SAM, and SOM Reports are Critical for B2B/Service providers:

  1. Informed Decision-Making TAM, SAM, and SOM reports offer a detailed understanding of the total market demand, the specific segments your company can target, and the market portion you can realistically capture. This informed perspective guides strategic planning and resource allocation, ensuring your efforts are directed toward the most lucrative opportunities.
  2. Competitive advantage: These reports help identify market gaps and opportunities, enabling businesses to effectively tailor their offerings to meet specific market demands. By staying ahead of the competition, companies can position themselves as leaders in their respective industries.
  3. Investment Justification For B2B/service providers , these market analyses are critical in justifying investments. Businesses can secure the necessary funding and support for their strategic initiatives by demonstrating clear market potential to stakeholders and investors.

Why TAM, SAM, and SOM Reports are Vital for Contract Research Organizations (CROs):

  1. Strategic Alignment For CROs, aligning services with market needs is essential for success. TAM, SAM, and SOM reports provide the insights needed to identify the most lucrative market segments and tailor services accordingly. This alignment ensures higher success rates in clinical trials and research projects, realistic KPI analyses and reliable projections for growth.
  2. Resource Optimization Understanding the serviceable market allows CROs to allocate resources more efficiently. This optimization reduces costs, improves project timelines, and enhances operational efficiency.
  3. Market Positioning Accurate market analysis aids CROs in effectively positioning their services within the competitive landscape. This positioning enhances brand reputation and client trust, driving business growth.

Partnering with ILIKOS Consulting Group:

Choosing the right partner for developing TAM, SAM, and SOM reports is crucial. ILIKOS Consulting Group stands out as a leader in providing these precise and actionable analyses by combining deep market knowledge with expertise across all service segments and understanding of market dynamics, Sponsor preferences and outsourcing strategies. 

Here’s why partnering with ILIKOS is a strategic move:

  1. Expertise and Experience: ILIKOS Consulting Group, under the leadership of its CEO, Mr. Elias Sayias, brings unparalleled expertise in market analysis and business strategy. Our team’s deep understanding of market dynamics ensures that your reports are not just data-driven but also strategically insightful, reliable and dynamic.
  2. Tailored Approach: We understand that every business is unique. Our tailored approach ensures that the TAM, SAM, and SOM reports are customized to meet your specific business needs and objectives by ensuring alignment with your industry segment, specialty and capacity.
  3. Actionable Insights: At ILIKOS, we transform market data into actionable insights. Our reports provide clear strategic direction, empowering your business to navigate market complexities and achieve sustainable growth.
  4. Comprehensive Solutions: Beyond developing the reports, we offer comprehensive solutions that support your business development and growth strategies. From initial analysis to strategic implementation, ILIKOS Consulting Group is your partner every step of the way.


Unlocking market potential through TAM, SAM, and SOM reports is essential for Contract Research Organizations. These analyses provide the strategic insights needed to drive growth, optimise resources, and achieve competitive advantage. By partnering with ILIKOS Consulting Group, you ensure that market analysis is precise, actionable, and aligned with your business goals.

Ready to take your business to the next level? Contact ILIKOS Consulting Group today to learn more about how our TAM, SAM, and SOM reports can transform your market strategy and drive your business forward.



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